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L’Unione Matematica Italiana condivide le preoccupazioni espresse da Pavel Exner, Presidente della European Mathematical Society, a proposito della decisione presa dal governo degli Stati Uniti di sospendere temporaneamente  i viaggi negli Stati Uniti da sette paesi (vedi  sotto). Come il Professor Exner ha notato, tali politiche possono mettere a repentaglio l’atmosfera di collaborazione internazionale di cui la scienza ha bisogno per il suo sviluppo. (link)

Ciro Ciliberto, Presidente dell’Unione Matematica Italiana


EMS President on Trump’s Executive Order

“The European Mathematical Society is closely following the activities of our American colleagues in response to the Executive Order signed by US President Donald Trump, temporarily suspending travel to the US from seven countries. I support the statement signed by the AMS Board and the online academic petition opposing the ban. I share their worries about the consequences of this measure.

“Europe in the last century amassed too much experience of bans based on group identity and we know the devastating consequences they have. I am afraid that such policies will harm scientific work everywhere, including the United States.”

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