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Martedì 7 marzo 2017, nell’Aula ‘Roberta  Dal Passo’ del Dipartimento di matematica dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata si è tenuto un Colloquium di Dipartimento. La conferenziera era Susanna Terracini (Università di Torino) e il titolo del seminario: “A survey on the variational approach to the N-body problem”. Sotto trovate l’abstract, il video della conferenza e le slides. Buona visione.

Abstract: In its full generality, the N-body problem of Celestial Mechanics has challenged many generation of mathematicians. It is commonly accepted, since the early works by H. Poincaré, that the periodic problem, through its associated action spectrum, carries precious information on the whole dynamics of a Hamiltonian system. Therefore, the problem of the existence and the qualitative properties of periodic and other selected trajectories for the N-body problem (from the classical celestial mechanics point of view to more recent advances in molecular and quantum models) has been extensively studied over the decades, and, more recently, new tools and approaches have given a significant boost to the field. We shall review some old an new results on the existence and classification of selected trajectories of the classical N-body problem,
with an emphasis on new analytical and geometrical techniques.

[youtube id=”IBVRPx9Wzwc” width=”620″ height=”360″]


Le slides della conferenza

Roberto Natalini [coordinatore del sito] Matematico applicato. Dirigo l’Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo del Cnr e faccio comunicazione con MaddMaths! e Comics&Science.


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