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Ogni anno, la European Mathematical Society nomina un EMS lecturer. È una qualifica onoraria, assegnata ad un ricercatore di riconosciuto valore internazionale, a cui viene chiesto di tenere una serie di lezioni in vari paesi europei. I costi sono ovviamente supportati dall’EMS. Per il 2018, l’EMS ha scelto Gigliola Staffilani, che i lettori di MaddMaths! dovrebbero conoscere bene (ma se volete ripassare guardate qui e qui). Una delle tappe di Gigliola in Europa sarà in Italia, presso il Dipartimento di Matematica di Roma Tor Vergata. Segue l’annuncio (in inglese). L’iscrizione è obbligatoria, ma gratuita (vai qui).

EMS LECTURES SUMMER SCHOOL – 16, 17, 18 July 2018
Department of Mathematics – University of Rome Tor Vergata

The 2018 European Mathematical Society Lecturer Prof. Gigliola Staffilani (MIT, USA) will deliver a general Colloquium on Tuesday July 17 and a PhD course on July 17 and 18. These lectures will be supplemented by a course of Prof. Nicola Visciglia (University of Pisa) on July 16 and 17.

Prof. Staffilani other EMS Lectures are:
Goran Gustaffson Lectures in Mathematics at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden May,18-22, 2018
EMS Speaker, European Women in Mathematics General Meeting 2018,
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria, September 3-7, 2018

Titles of the courses:
Gigliola Staffilani (MIT – 2018 EMS Lecturer): On the long time dynamics for the defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equations.

Nicola Visciglia (Univ. Pisa): Scattering theory for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the euclidean setting

This school is part of the MIUR Excellence Department Project awarded to the Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata, CUP E83C18000100006.

A limited amount of funds for lodging for PhD students and young researchers will be available. To apply, submit a short CV and a letter of presentation of the advisor/mentor to Ms Simonetta De Nicola ( before June 20. Coffee breaks and lunches will be offered by the Department.

The participation is free, but registration is mandatory at the conference web page before July 5.

The Organizing Committee

Michiel Bertsch (Univ. Rome Tor Vergata)
Andrea Braides (Univ. Rome Tor Vergata)
Alessandra Celletti (Univ. Rome Tor Vergata)
Roberto Natalini (IAC-CNR, Rome)

Roberto Natalini [coordinatore del sito] Matematico applicato. Dirigo l’Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo del Cnr e faccio comunicazione con MaddMaths! e Comics&Science.


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